Recent TRIPS
We have paddled many rivers, both close to home and as far away as South Africa, Mongolia and North America. Here is a selection where I have written a blog of some sort.

Spey, Scotland 2024
We paddled the Spey back in 2012 and always wanted to paddle it again. A unique river in Scotland in which the current actually speeds up as it approaches the sea. We joined Frontier Bushcraft for the 5 day trip paddled first week october with fantastic weather.

Dwerca and Vistula, Poland, 2024
In the summer of 2024 we went to Poland and paddled lakes in the Brodnica area, and the rivers Dwerca and Vistula. The trip was organised by a canoe club in Chelmno. A mix of paddling and Polish culture.

Wind and Peel, Northern Yukon 2023
We paddled 515 km in 21 days in this wonderful region. The Wind river is a grade II river which is just lots of fun. The Peel river is slow moving and we often had head winds. The whole trip was fantastic.

Dalsland, Sweden 2021
We spent 10 days making a "figure of 8" circular trip around the lakes of Dalsland. The scenery is great. Normally this is an area of gentle paddling with little wind. We had however two really windy days and some torrential rain!

Pieterpeddel 2021
Our trip through the Netherlands from the Sint-Pietersberg in the south to Pieterburen in the north.

Gudena river 2020
Despite Corona restrictions, we managed to travel to Denmark for a week at the end of september, when travel was allowed from the Netherlands and paddled the Gudena river.

Ireland North to South 2019
We made our own route through Ireland from North to South. I wrote a long blog on Song of the Paddle forum.

Orkhon river Mongolia 2018
We fell in love with Mongolia in 2016 and returned this year to paddle the Orkhon river, in a different region to the previous trip.

Loire 2017
We revisited the Loire, which we had previously paddled in 2010 and enjoyed French culture and wine. (No blog or link)

Khovd river Mongolia 2016
On the recommendation of paddling friends, we went to Mongolia and paddled the Khovd river, a wonderful river and an introduction to Mongolian and Kazac cultures.

Thames, England 2015
015 started closer to home in May with a trip down the Thames, the river where I made my first paddle strokes many years ago.

Noatak, Alaska 2015
In 2015 we made our first visit to Alaska and paddled the Noatak, an easy river with spectacular scenery above the Arctic circle.

Assynt, Scotland 2015
In October 2015 we joined a trip led by Wilderness Canoe taking us around the magnificent scenery in Assynt, Scotland.
James Werb, a fellow partipant, also wrote an interesting blog. Click here.

NFCT 2014
In 2014 we paddled for 47 days on the Northern Forest Canoe Trail. Click on the picture for our story of the trip - Journal of the Floating Dutchman

Tiber, Italy 2014
In 2014 we took part in the 35th International Descent of the Tiber from Città di Castello to Rome. For more info about this yearly event click here. Click on the picture for blog of the trip

Snake and Peel, Canada 2013
With 4 German and Swiss friends, we spent 22 days on the Snake and Peel rivers in the Northern Yukon

Bloodvein, Canada 2013
Having just retired, we spent 7 weeks in Canada and paddled this trip in Manitoba end to end with the Snake and Peel trip.

Werra, Germany 2011
In former East Germany, a bed and breakfast trip down the Werra. We paddled before easter. Campings only open after easter.

Mountain river, Canada 2010
There is continuous white water for much of its journey from the mountains to the confluence with the MacKenzie and the mountain scenery is really fantastic. We planned to paddle it again in 2020 but Corona put paid to that.

Rogan, Sweden 2007
Swedish nature preservation area with lots of lakes, portages and wind.

Trysil, Norway 2007
A short 4 day trip with plenty of WW 2.

South Macmillan, Canada 2004
We paddled the South Macmillan river in the Yukon Province of Canada in the summer of 2004. We started at the "VW put in " and paddled via the Pelly river and Yukon as far as Dawson. The trip is nearly 850 km long.

Nahanni, Canada 2002
The Nahanni is one of our favourite rivers. We paddled it commercially with Nahanni River Adventures in 1994. We returned in 2002 and paddled the river with some friends Harry and